Unveiling Mailsac’s New API Endpoint Feature: Inbox Filter

A look at filtering email messages with the Mailsac API

Mailsac has rolled out a new API endpoint feature, dubbed “inbox filter.”

It limits email messages using the to, from, and subject fields. Say goodbye to the conventional OR logic of /api/inbox-search and embrace the power of logical AND.

The Inbox Filter Endpoint: Technical Breakdown

The /api/inbox-filter API endpoint accepts the following optional query parameters:

  1. andSubjectIncludes: Filter messages by text included in the subject line
  2. andFrom: Filter messages by text included in the FROM envelope
  3. andTo: Filter messages by text included in the TO envelope

This endpoint delivers results only when at least one query condition is specified, otherwise, expect a 400 error. The response is capped at 100 results, so adjust your query or prune your account accordingly.

JavaScript Unit Test with Mocha and Axios

To illustrate the usage of the /inbox-filter API endpoint, here’s a JavaScript unit test using Mocha and Axios:

const axios = require('axios');
const assert = require('assert');

describe('Inbox Filter API Endpoint Test', () => {
  it('should return filtered messages', async () => {
    const mailsacApiKey = 'your-api-key-here';
    const endpoint = 'https://mailsac.com/api/inbox-filter';
    const andSubjectIncludes = 'Important';
    const andFrom = 'johndoe@example.com';
    const andTo = 'janedoe@example.com';

    const response = await axios.get(endpoint, {
      headers: { 'Mailsac-Key': mailsacApiKey },
      params: { andSubjectIncludes, andFrom, andTo },

    assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200);
    assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(response.data.messages), true);
    response.data.messages.forEach((message) => {
      assert.strictEqual(message.subject.includes(andSubjectIncludes), true);
      assert.strictEqual(message.from[0].address.includes(andFrom), true);
      assert.strictEqual(message.to[0].address.includes(andTo), true);

Looking for a robust email testing solution that can simplify your workflow and improve efficiency? Look no further, friends. Mailsac offers powerful features like this new inbox filter API endpoint and many more, tailored to meet the needs of developers, testers, and businesses alike. Discover the benefits of Mailsac today and elevate your email management game. Try Mailsac for free or learn more about our plans and join our growing community of satisfied users at forum.mailsac.com.